Self Leveling Construction Laser Levels Breakdown

Topographic Measurements With Laser

Whether you are installing drop ceilings and doors, hanging pictures, or laying out stair rails, self-leveling lasers levels can get the job done. They are meant for a variety of outdoor and indoor applications. If you are in the market for an easy-to-use and convenient laser level, these units can help make any construction or land surveying project accurate and fast.

What Is a Self Leveling Laser?

Self-leveling, also known as automatic lasers, offer an unparalleled level of precision for construction and land surveying professionals. These units automatically find and keep a level within your desired range. As a construction professional, you can also disable the automatic leveling function for different manual tasks. These units can provide an accurate level on a wall or various other surfaces on the work site.

Manual vs. Automatic Leveling

A manual leveling laser requires an operator to manually level the tool. By manipulating the device's thumbscrews, you can get it leveled through looking at the bubble vials. Manual levels can provide just as precise a level as automatic laser levels if set-up correctly.

For a more convenient method of leveling, automatic laser levels find a level on their own. Many levels require an initial pre-adjustment by the operator and will level themselves automatically afterward. In many cases, automatic levels can continue to maintain the level if knocked, dropped, or other laser calibration changes. In addition, they may turn themselves off if they get outside the specified range.

How Do Self Leveling Lasers Work?

Automatic leveling capabilities are possible using 3 main modes of action: wire suspended compensators, pendulum mechanisms using a gimbal, and electronic leveling.

  • Wire suspended compensator: This mechanism is mainly found in older technology. It uses gravity to suspend a platform. Using prisms or mirrors, the platform works like a plumb bob and compensates the exiting light to be level with the entering natural or laser light.
  • Pendulum or gimbal mechanism: Many automatic levels rely on a pendulum hung from a gimbal. Similar to wire suspended compensators, this method uses gravity to level the device quickly. These devices may come with a manually activated lock to prevent its internal mechanism from being damaged while moving around since it relies on a friction-free bearing for measuring. Other devices come with rubber padding inside to protect the level.
  • Electronic: Most modern lasers feature electronic leveling capabilities that can automatically produce a horizontal or vertical level. Similar to the pendulum on a gimbal mechanism, the difference lies in the mounted pendulum that features an electric sensor and motors to carefully position the pendulum. This mechanism is the most resistant to bumps and drops. However, they may not be as quick at leveling then its counterparts.

Choosing the Right Self Leveling System

Measurements With Lasers

As a construction professional, you have a wide variety of laser levels to choose from with different features. Each laser level model varies in quality, price, accuracy, and function. Make sure to consider a variety of factors in your laser level tool to save yourselves time and money in the long run.


How precise is your level? In the field of construction, accuracy is everything. Reducing the risk of human error is a must.consider your project type. Some laser levels may be great for home DIY activities, but may not be able to handle the demands of a construction site. Some levels can be as precise as 1/16 of an inch at hundreds of feet away.


When investing in these units, consider the type and color of laser you want and whether you want one-beam or a dual beam. The choice is between a green or red laser. Ideally, you want a laser level with a green beam since they are brighter and easier to see at the work site. These are mainly used for big indoor leveling jobs where the line needs to be visible.

Dual beam lasers, also known as split beam lasers, produce horizontal and vertical beams to establish a plumb and level laser line for both directions, although not always at the same time. The horizontal beam provides an automatic level for cabinets, windows, and floors. The vertical beam laser level works as a self leveling cross-line laser, plumb bob, or 3-point laser for walls, fixture alignment, and doors.


Do you need a level for outdoor and indoor application or mainly just one environment? Depending on where your work takes you, you will need to use a specific type of laser to give you the best accuracy, visibility, and stability.

What Is the Best Self Leveling Laser Level?

Self-leveling technology is available in a variety of different laser levels. Each level is better suited for a specific job and includes different features. Take the time to consider each product based on your day-to-day tasks.

For outdoor work, an automatic rotary laser can provide a level line at a greater distance although the line from a rotary level laser is harder to see. Indoors, a line and dot laser can provide a clean and brighter laser level line. In addition, you have pipe lasers used for pipes and plumbing while grade lasers can help perform instant grade and slope measurements.

Pipe Laser

Pipe lasers, also known as utility construction lasers, can be used in the construction of tunnels and underground pipes. A level pipe underground keeps a consistent flow of liquid without clogs. Pipe lasers can measure and identify the right grade for pipes.


Rotary Laser

Rotary laser levels can produce a level line a complete 360-degrees around the room. This “chalk line” can help you make tiling, leveling floors, and aligning fixtures a breeze. Mount it on a tripod to get a rotary 360-degree beam that can be easily visible for indoor or outdoor applications. If working outdoors, you will need a laser detector to make the rotary laser beam’s laser more visible.

Grade Laser

Grade lasers, also known as slope lasers, can provide a precise grade and are essentially self-leveling rotary laser levels. Choose from a single slope laser that can project a slope in one axis or a dual slope laser that can provide two slopes on separate axes at once. Like a rotary laser level, grade lasers have a 360-degree laser beam.


Self Leveling Laser Accessories

Construction Topographic Measurements

Self-leveling lasers are a part of a complete electronic measuring system. Various tools complement the lasers function to help you keep things level wherever you go. Complete your self leveling system with these critical work tools, each with their unique features to complement your unit:

  • Tripod: Stabilize your unit with a tripod and mount system. Choose from composite, wooden, wood/fiberglass, fiberglass, and aluminum materials. An elevator functionality or extra tall feature can help make your work easy.
  • Laser detector: A laser line detector, also known as a laser receiver, allows you to quickly and easily make readings. A laser detector uses audible and optical indicators to help professionals reach the level point and find the level laser line.
  • Battery: Consider the type of batteries needed and battery life under continuous use. Invest in rechargeable batteries that can last a full work day or 2 days or more without recharging.
  • Charger: Invest in a compatible and durable charger to recharge your batteries when you need it most.
  • Remote: Remote control capabilities allow you to conveniently control the system. Manipulate settings such as auto-leveling, rotational speed, and more.
  • Leveling rod: Leveling rods, also called a leveling staff, are critical to heavy duty projects. It is a graduated rod made of aluminum, wood, or fiberglass and used to determine the height difference between two points.

Shop Self Levelling Lasers at Baseline Equipment

Baseline Equipment is your one-stop-shop for your land surveying and construction needs. Explore a variety of professional and quality leveling products made for the toughest jobs. Make measuring easy and fast with laser levels. Contact us for more information about our digital laser systems and construction tools.

Self leveling laser levels provide an exact measurement of height, angles, and vertical lines. Automatic levels are stable, durable, and easy-to-use.