How Land Surveying Services Help With Pre-Construction Project Planning

Worker explaining next steps with blueprint


When building new construction, many property owners want to get their project off the ground as soon as possible. While it is tempting to go fast, it is west do due diligence and plan ahead before the project starts.

Pre-construction land surveying is an important step to do before beginning a construction project. However, many property owners might not know what a land survey is and why it is important.

Before going ahead with the construction process, learn about land surveys and determine your land surveying needs.

What is a survey?

In this case, a pre-construction survey attempts to ensure that construction projects is executed properly by evaluating the site before the construction process begins. Land surveys can play important roles to generate information. Surveyors collect topographic data to create a detailed map of site and establish the proposed development sites. The location of notable existing structures such as accesses, pipelines, buildings, and other improvements may be identified.

It is best that the land surveying company has a knowledge of the local area (history, soil and water conditions, sensitive areas, habitats, and protected species). This makes the process ensue more quickly and provides valuable insight that could influence planning decisions. For this reason, seek out land surveying services that are local, or have a local branch.

Why is it beneficial before construction planning?

There are several reasons that you should conduct a land survey before construction planning. Not only is it required by law, and can help with the building process and save money down the line.

Engineers surveying the land

Required by Law

Getting a land survey done is necessary for a construction project to be approved. In order to get this approval, the surveyor must show a sitemap of essential topographic information.This could include site and boundary analysis, topographic surveys, utility overviews, conditions of sidewalks, streets, or other elements.

If the survey is up to standard, then the board of officials for construction and land use will approve the construction project to continue.

Set Construction Boundaries

The survey will also help during the design process by establishing construction boundaries. It is vital to identify these construction-limiting factors during the planning process. This can inform whether you can place a structure, such as a water fountain, in a particular location.

Aerial photo of suburban neighborhood

Furthermore, land surveys identify the property lines of a plot of land. This prevents builders from crossing boundary lines and encroaching on the land of a neighboring property.

Finally, a land survey helps determine the proper fees and taxes that will need to be paid.

Leveling & Burying

All construction sites must be leveled and graded before construction can begin. However, it can be hard to identify the leveling needs without any pre construction surveys.

This step is important for many different aspects of construction. It must be completed before builders can start construction of driveways and parking lots. This is to ensure a level foundation before building begins.

Pre construction surveys also help establish proper drainage. Surveyors can mark water and sewer lines for burying, as well as telephone and power lines.

Prevent Costly Mistakes

While the land surveyor will charge for their work, this investment will prevent costly mistakes down the line. First off, without a land survey you will risk incurring legal fees. Furthermore, structural issues may demand repairs down the line.

If natural weak points are not identified, the foundation may collapse, seams may separate, or other unforeseen problems could arise. Structures with poor foundations often need constant repairs. At worse, they may need to be rebuilt.


Land surveying offers several important benefits to the construction process. Whether it is to comply with the law, inform infrastructure design, or prevent further costs down the line, many property owners would benefit from a pre-construction survey.

Pre-construction land surveying is an important step to take before a construction project begins and ensures that construction projects abide by the law.